Fridge Magnets for Real Estate
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In a booming real estate industry it is important to make sure that your real estate agency is getting the lion's share of leads in your local area and beyond. Due the competitiveness between real estate agencies and even agents themselves, advertising on adwords has become a difficult and expensive challenge which tends to be owned by larger state level, national or even international agencies.
It is due to this that independents need something more. That's where fridge magnets for realestate come in. Get in front of customers before they even go to google. Put your face and contact information right in front of customers and even prompt them to sell when they initially weren't even thinking of it.
By sitting front and center on the fridge of a potential client, your real estate fridge magnet reminds them of the services you have to offer, even allowing you to become a familiar face in their home, making you the first point of contact when your clients want to sell their home.
Even better, fridge magnets are actually useful, and show that you actually care about your clients unlike flyers which tend to get thrown straight into the bin. Real estate agent fridge magnets build familiarity with a client, making them more receptive and comfortable with hearing your advice and dealing with you.
Fridge Magnets for Real Estate Agents come in many shapes and forms. One of the most popular as well as cost efficient ones are Business Card magnets. These real estate fridge magnets serve the purpose of a business card but also have the extra benefit of being magnetic, making it easier for potential clients to keep them for later as well as being a useful tool for them to use.
Another popular kind of marketing magnets for real estate agents is calendar magnets. These sit up on the fridge so that your potential clients can be fully aware of any school and public holidays they have coming up, prompting them to look at your beautiful face and contact details each time they check it.
We also offer important numbers magnets for real estate agents. These serve the purpose of positioning yourself as a pillar of the community and an expert in your local area. Real estate important numbers magnets do this by providing a list of phone numbers to useful local services for customers to call when needed. A sales-savvy agent may even be able to fund their order by selling the phone number spaces of the local numbers to local businesses wink wink.
Make yourself stand out even more by getting your fridge magnets in the shape of a house. House shaped fridge magnets are the premium option in the real estate industry and are made to give agents who provide a premium level of service a leg up over their competitors. If a client receives two magnets from competing agents, you can bet they'll keep the one with a more interesting design.
Dominate the housing market in your local area with fridge magnets for real estate.