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Current Special Offers
Guaranteed Lowest Price or it's Free! Even up to 30 days after purchase!
As you are dealing directly with the manufacturer, we offer a 'Lowest Price or it's Free' policy. If you provide us with a competitors quote that we just can't beat, your magnets will be supplied to you free. more >>
We don't charge you any sneaky fees to pay for your order.
We are totally transparent, you'll know what you are paying for before you buy. Don't fall for the petty tricks of competitors who offer a seemingly low price and then hit you with hidden costs at checkout.
We only use premium quality, commercial grade magnet for all orders.
Don't get fooled by ordering thin magnets bulked up with thick paper stock. You deserve to get what you pay for. Always ask the thickness of the actual magnet, not the overall thickness of the finished product. more >>
Our team of graphic designers will create your artwork, free of charge.
Your time is valuable, so let us take care of your artwork. Our team of highly skilled graphics designers are always ready and at your disposal. We'll create an effective design so you get the results you expect from your magnets, free! more >>
We're Australian owned and proudly make all of our fridge magnets here!
Magnets made in Australia undergo rigorous quality control processes and because they are made here, they arrive in days - not weeks or months. Spoil yourself and your customers with magnets that outshine any cheap, imported copies, all while supporting Australian industry and jobs. more >>
Only pay once you're 100% happy with your artwork.
That's right, we'll only request payment once you are 100% happy with your finished design and have approved your artwork. At this point, your order will then go into production. more >>